
‘If anyone asks why, if he is so perpetually unhappy, he doesn’t just kill himself, the answer is well rehearsed: “well there are things to do”. (Paul Morley, Blitz, April 1988)

In an interview with Larry King in August 2015 Morrissey talked about his suicidal depression and said:

It crosses everybody’s mind, everybody thinks about it. Even people who mistakenly assume they are happy. They think of disappearing and having enough, and many people do, taking control and saying ‘no more, no more of this silliness’. It’s admirable.

The NME decided to phone the Samaritans to get a quote they could describe as a criticism.

Later they criticised, Jim Jim Falls, a song that echoes Morrissey’s personal experience of depressive overthinking. Linking him to loud tabloid journalist & presenter, Piers Morgan, to further demonise him, the way they link him to Donald Trump or Jimmy Savile & blame him for rape & genocide.

I am depressed most of the time. And when you’re depressed it is so enveloping that it actually does control your life, you cannot overcome it, and you can’t take advice. People trying to cheer you up become infuriating and almost insulting. (Morrissey, Details, December 1992)

I always over-worried about everything, and over-analysed and thought really too deeply about every aspect of life. (Morrissey, Filter, February 2009)

Woker listeners may be appalled that opening track ‘Jim Jim Falls’ urges potential suicides at the Australian waterfall (“If you’re going to jump then jump… If you’re going to run home and cry then don’t waste my time / If you’re going to kill yourself then / To save face – get on with it”). For many Moz fans, this is the equivalent of misdialling The Samaritans and getting through to Piers Morgan. But a man who was once a figurehead for society’s poetic outsiders is now proudly recasting himself as brave truth-teller staring defiantly down the barrel of media crucifixion and cancel culture, saying what ‘everyone’ is really thinking. (Mark Beaumont, NME, 12th March 2020)

Side note: Morrissey will always take the side of ordinary people over authority. He might see it as noble to kill yourself, but he’s appalled that politicians have the power to kill other people:

I am a very melancholic person and I am desperate about the barbarity of the human race, which seems obsessed with its own suicide. Nuclear weapons are a form of this suicide, and yet all countries want them. (Morrissey, El Mundo, 20th April 2015)

Side note 2: a YouTube channel labelled him Evil & put him in the same category as convicted child molesters.

From aggregate fan site Morrissey Solo